Webinar - The facts about compression set

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29th November 2018

(Oil and Gas)

In oilfield applications, it is critically important to select a sealing material with strong resistance to compression set – the recovered height of an elastomer sample after the application of a strain.

Compression set is an important factor in seal selection because any reduction in the cross section of a seal results in a lower sealing force. Most notably in systems where there is significant thermal and pressure cycling, compression set can be a major risk factor in seal leakage. By understanding compression set, we can more be more effective in developing seal profiles and materials with greater resistance to compression set.

In this presentation, we will detail the definition and nature of compression set, what the visual indications are, and how compression set can be accurately measured.

The presentation will cover examples of compression set over time with contrasting materials, and investigate some of the considerations we need to be aware of when it comes to testing methods – specifically, crosslink formation and chain movements. The benefits of Compressive Stress Relaxation (CSR) testing will also be outlined.

By improving the validity of compression set testing methods, and the accuracy of the overall findings, sealing materials for critical oilfield applications can be selected with a greater degree of confidence.

The presentation will also cover some of the most frequently asked questions on the topic of compression set in oilfield sealing, as well as guidance on where to go for specialist support in oil and gas seal selection.

  • Learn what compression set is, and how it is measured.
  • Understand why compression set is important, in relation to contact sealing force.
  • Discover some of the issues with compression set testing methods, and what can be done about them.
  • The implications of compression set on correct seal specification for critical oil and gas applications.
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