Welcome to Hajer Alfakher

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We’re here with one of the recent new starters at PPE International – Hajer Alfakher. Great to meet you!

Nice to meet you too!

So, how long have you been here?

Only two weeks. Yes, I’ve only just started, but it’s been great so far! Lots of people to meet, so it’s also been a bit of a whirlwind!

I can imagine – the team at PPE International has been growing so quickly recently. There always seems to be a lot going on. What’s your role in the team?

I’ve joined as an Internal Account Manager, which means I’ll be the main point of contact between our customers and the rest of the business. I’ve been in the Energy industry for over five years now, so hopefully that experience will serve me well.

And already I can tell that you’re one of life’s smiley people! I guess that kind of personality is just as important when you’re customer-facing?

Haha! I suppose I’ve always been automatically friendly with new people, and I’ve probably got quite a positive look on things. When you’re dealing with people all day, and trying to help them with challenges they might have, it’s important to have that warmth. That they know you genuinely care about helping them out.

When you’re not busy problem solving at PPE International, what do you like to do in your spare time?

I like spending time in the kitchen when I can. I love cooking – but I think I have to be in the right mood!

Yep I’m the same. Some days it’s the last thing you want to do when you get home.

To be honest sandwiches are up there with my favourite foods, just quick, easy and satisfying!

There you go – that’s the name of your cookery book sorted out when you get published! When you get the time and you’re in the right mindset, what do you like to cook?

I try to cook all kinds of things. I’m influenced by all kinds of cultures really. I’m also into learning languages – Arabic, English, Turkish, a bit of French and sign language.

A fellow linguist! I see that green owl from Duolingo when I close my eyes, yelling at me in Spanish.

I think that learning another language is like having another view on the world. A different lens. Does that sound weird?

Probably the most poetic and philosophical anyone’s ever been in these interviews. You’d better dumb it down a bit! Any more languages on the horizon?

Haha you never know! Although if music counts, I am working on the flute and piano?

We could definitely do with a flautist or pianist in the PPE Team Band. We seem overrun with bass players, which is no one’s idea of fun.

Sure, sign me up!

How are your vocals. We probably need a singer as well.

They’re ok. As long as we do Abdulmajeed Abdullah cover versions?

We can add them to the setlist, but I’m not that familiar with his work.

(Hajer plays a track)

Sure – he’s in! So we’re on the tour bus making millions, with Abdulmajeed Abdullah features on our albums. What tv shows or movies are you watching to unwind after a show?

It’s probably Friends.

The number of people we have who answer Friends to that question, and it’s not been on TV for like twenty years!

I think it’s just one of those shows which is easy to drop in and out of. You don’t have to think too much, and it can be on in the background while you do other things.

Do you like travelling?

I’m definitely an explorer. I like going to new places and trying weird and wonderful new experiences.

What’s been your favourite destination so far?

One recent place I loved was Florence, but the one in Oregon in the USA.

I’ve never heard of it, what’s it like?

It’s a city on the coast, really pretty, lots of nature to explore and some great food. I love to go horse riding while I’m there – I usually choose a horse called Bailey, he likes to dance!

Sounds idyllic – I’ll definitely have to get over there at some point! What else is on your list of things to do?

I did a bungee jump which was terrifying but fun, so being a bit of a thrill seeker I’ve also wanted to do a skydive at some point. And also I’m interested in interior design, so maybe to pursue that a bit more?

We’ll just close up with a quick fire round, just one word answers! Dogs or cats?


Tea or coffee?


Sweet or savoury?


Morning person or night owl?

Morning person on weekdays, but a night owl on the weekends!

Thanks so much for your time Hajer! Maybe a few more languages and instruments by the next time we speak?

You never know!


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