Houssam Ramadan appointed at PPE International

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Houssam Ramadan has been appointed PPE International's new Global Energy Business Line Leader, responsible for supporting our customers and driving growth in the Energy market segment.

As the Business Line Leader for Global Energy, Houssam will be responsible for driving and executing growth in the Energy market segment, specifically with upstream oil and gas. Houssam will focus on developing the business line team at a global level, product line strategy, and execution of the strategic plan to drive growth from KSA and continue growing our presence within the Middle East.

Houssam has worked in the Middle East across various countries including KSA and the GCC, specifically as part of oil and gas market segments. He is a very experienced commercial leader, driving growth and developing strong commercial teams across his previous roles.

Speaking about his background and interests, Houssam said:

"I've visited 43 countries, and I'm currently writing a book about management and the different characters you typically encounter at work. In the past I've worked in aviation, and have lived in the Gulf region most of my life. I speak three languages - Arabic, French, and English. Among my hobbies, I'm interested in carpentry and blacksmithing, and also enjoy reading classical literature and poetry."


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