Cookie Policy

When you visit our website, our system automatically collects information about your visit, such as your browser type, your IP address, the referring website, general demographic and usage data of our site visitors. We do not use automatically collected information to identify you personally without collecting additional consent.  Such information is typically collected using web cookies, web or email pixels (also known as beacons), embedded hyperlinks, and similar tools. Popular browsers can generally be set to disable or delete individual cookies, there is more detail on how to do this below.

Cookies are small pieces of information sent by our website and stored on your computer. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. By continuing to visit the website, you agree to the placement of cookies on your device. If you choose not to accept our cookies, we cannot guarantee that your experience will be as fulfilling as it would otherwise be.  We may also place cookies from third parties for functional and marketing purposes. The use of cookies is widespread and benefits visitors to most websites.

How we use cookies and how they benefit you

Our website uses cookies to help us provide you with the best experience possible. We use cookies to:

  • Make the website work as expected
  • Remember if you have logged in
  • Improve the speed and effectiveness of the website
  • Make our marketing more effective (ultimately helping us to deliver the service we do at a competitive price)
  • Personalise your experience on our website (allowing you to find relevant content more easily, for example)

We do not use cookies to:

  • Collect any personal or sensitive information
  • Share personally identifiable data with third parties
  • Pay sales commissions to affiliates

Controlling cookies

Where to find information about controlling cookies

You can control which cookies are stored on your computer by following the useful information below. Please note disabling cookies may cause our website not to function as intended:

Further useful information

  • A number of websites provide detailed information on cookies, including and
  • The Internet Advertising Bureau website Your Online Choices allows you to install opt-out cookies across different advertising networks. The Network Advertising Initiative offers a similar function.
  • New features such as Do Not Track (Chrome) (Mozilla) allow you to tell websites not to track you. On this website, you can control the cookie that relates to website personalisation (vdl_visitor_id) by turning on Do Not Track. Many third-party technologies we use may respect Do Not Track also.
  • Internet Explorer has a feature called Tracking Protection Lists which allows you to import a list of websites you want to block.

If the settings on your web browser are set to accept cookies, we take this to mean that you are fine with this, should you continue to use our website.

The cookies used on this website

a) Website function cookies

Our own cookies

We use cookies to make our website work as expected, including to:

  • Remember if you have logged in
  • Remembering your choices (e.g. you closed a pop-up message)
  • Remembering your chosen language for the website

These cookies are strictly necessary for the website to function as intended. They are minimally intrusive session cookies which typically expire within a short time, or when your browser is closed.

Cookies include, but are not limited to: ci_session, ***_location_details, ASP.NET_SessionId, PPE_OQS, .PrePol, vdl_visitor_id. This is correct as of January 2020, but may change as our website evolves.

Third party functions

Like most websites, our website includes functionality provided by third parties. Examples include an embedded YouTube video (webinars), an embedded Twitter feed (news), form spam control (Google Recaptcha), live chat (Olark) and popups with timely offers (Mailmunch).

These embedded external resources are likely to place cookies on your computer, which may change over time. Because we don’t control these technologies directly, you should review the policies of these third parties below:

Cookies include, but are not limited to: YouTube (IDE, NID, PREF, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, YSC), Twitter (_twitter_sess, ct0, guest_id, personalization_id, external_referer, lang), Mailmunch (mailmunch_second_pageview, mailmunch_shown_[nnnn]), Olark(wcsid, hblid, _oklv, _okdetect, olfsk, _okbk, _ok). This is correct as of March 2018, but may change as our website evolves.

b) Website testing & improvement cookies

We regularly test and improve the design and features of our website. At times we may create multiple variations, then show different variations to different visitors and anonymously monitor the outcomes. This helps us improve our website to benefit everyone. These tools are likely to place cookies on your computer, which may change over time. Because we don’t control these technologies directly, you should review the policies of these third parties below:

c) Anonymous visitor statistics cookies

We use the popular Google Analytics platform to record anonymous visitor statistics (how long you spend on the site, what page you look at etc.) to help us monitor the effectiveness of our website to improve it.

Google Analytics is a third-party product which places cookies on your computer, which may change over time. Because we don’t control this technologies directly, you should review Google’s cookie policy on the link below:

Cookies include, but are not limited to: _ga, _gid, _gat_UA-[nnnnn-n], __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz, __utmt.
This is correct as of January 2020, but may change as Google Analytics evolves.

Google has a browser extension that allows users to opt-out of Google Analytics on all websites.

d) Advertising and remarketing cookies

Cookies are commonly used in most types of digital advertising. Neither us, or the advertising platforms we use, can gain personally identifiable information about you from these cookies.

After visiting our website you may notice that you see more advertisements around the internet for our products. This is because a “remarketing cookie” has been stored on your computer. We use these adverts to encourage you to come back to our website. This is done in a completely anonymised way and you can opt out of these cookies at any time at

Whilst visiting our website cookies from the following third-party advertising platforms may be stored on your computer. You should review the policies of these third parties below:

Cookies include, but are not limited to: LinkedIn (UserMatchHistory, lang, BizoID, lidc, bcookie), DoubleClick - via YouTube videos (IDE). This is correct as of January 2020, but may change as our website evolves.

All advertising partners we work with follow the accepted European privacy standards of the EDAA and you can opt-out all advertising cookies the Your Online Choices website, which will prevent personalisation of the displayed adverts.

Last updated:  6 January 2020

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